I've heard this expression all my life, but only just experienced the real thing last night. I was going 45 on an unlit road and, suddenly, there he/she was. That deer looked pretty surprised and just stood there for a few seconds, but finally turned and meandered off the road.
I guess that is why Idaho drivers don't dim their brights--at least 75% of them. (There's also elk and free range cattle to worry about hitting.) I was driving home from Boise last evening in the dark and found it quite annoying. Especially when you're on a curvy mountain road. When you're curving left and the opposing driver doesn't dim his brights, you can't even see the white line on the right side of the road.
I finally solved this problem by letting the guy behind me (with his headlights and fog lights on bright) pass me by and then I just maintained an even following distance behind him. His lights were bright enough for the both of us and whenever an opposing driver didn't dim his brights, I could still see the brake lights of the car in front of me.
Ironically, I didn't see any wildlife on the highway. It was only when I returned to Cascade that I saw deer. In town. And on that 45 mph road to one of Cascade's outlying neighborhoods.
Here's a few pictures of the town deer in our yard and the neighbor's yard on Wednesday morning after a 3 inch snowfall when they were looking for something to eat. The leaves in our strawberry patch seemed to be the thing. These pictures were taken out our dining room window.
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