Sunday, December 5, 2010

Precious in the Sight of the Lord

"Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his saints."  Psalm 116:15

In my last post, I expressed thanks that my father-in-law, Paul Herzog, was able to be with us for Thanksgiving.  Just as we were about to depart western WA to return to Idaho the following Sunday afternoon (Nov 28th), Steve received the news that his dad had died in his sleep, probably very early Sunday morning.

Even though he had been very ill earlier this year, he was improving in health and had moved back to his home a couple months ago.  We had just seen him Saturday evening around 7 pm and he seemed fine.  So it was a bit of a surprise.  But how thankful we were that most of the family had just seen him on Thanksgiving Day.  And that Steve had spent two days and nights earlier that week staying with his dad in his home.  Paul had always said he wanted to die in his sleep, in his own bed, in his own home.  God graciously answered his request.  He was 85.

This, of course, abruptly changed our departure plans.  Steve decided to stay in Bothell.  Jackie and I departed for Spokane a few hours later.  She needed to return to school. The following day I drove home to Cascade to go back to work.  Unfortunately, the other person who knows how to do my job left for India on Tuesday to help lead the Discipleship Training School outreach.

The memorial service is scheduled for this Saturday, Dec 11th, 2 pm at Camano Chapel, Camano Island, WA.  I leave for Spokane again tomorrow morning.  I will spend a few days with Jackie there before we both leave for western WA again on Friday.

Here are a few special photos of my father-in-law.

Paul was very musical.  Here he is playing the saw with the Old Time Fiddlers.  He also played the violin, mandolin and banjo.  The Old Time Fiddlers are going to play for the reception at his memorial.

That love of music carried over to his children.  Here Steve, Kathy and Karen join Paul and his sister, Esther, playing Christmas carols at our family Christmas celebration last year.  This is something we did every year for the 32+ years that I have been a part of the Herzog family. Usually Esther or I would be playing the piano, but there was no piano at Stewart's house so I was singing along (probably taking a picture here).

This is a photo of Steve's siblings with his dad: (clockwise from upper left) Stan, Stewart, Karen, Steve, Paul, Kathy.  This was taken at a family reunion summer 2009.  (The backwards ball cap was a joke.)  Steve's mom passed away from cancer at age 60 in 1992.

Paul clowning around with sister Esther and sister-in-law Miriam.
I look forward to celebrating his life on Saturday.  Thank you, Lord, for Paul Herzog.  May he and Elaine have a joyful reunion in the presence of their Lord!

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